Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tanglets, episode 2 (Alternate title: fun with the iPhone!)

I love my bike! It carries all sorts of stuff for me, gets me to work in the morning, and always looks bright and cheerful, even early on a Monday morning or at the end of a long day.

I have a slight obsession with photographing the wash basins at the various temples I go to... this one is from Jindaiji Temple. (okay, this one was not taken with the iPhone). 

A few weeks ago I got to experience some excellent sushi at a teeny-tiny (7 stools!) sushi shop, thanks to my friend Shannon, who used to live nearby.
Conch cooked right in the shell, next to some fabulous scallops! The prawns were delicious, as were the salmon, tuna, unagi (eel)... I lost track of all the things we tried! 

Sneaking behind the counter for a picture with the lovely owners!

Another weekend I was fortunate enough to wander the streets of Nezu, an part of town that still has some old buildings that were not destroyed in the war. 

Sipping from coffee from this amazing little place that roasts the beans right under your nose, we enjoyed a puppet show from this famous puppet-maker. Apparently you can send in a picture of yourself or a loved one and have a puppet made in (somewhat) likeness.... so popular there is a waiting list of two years!

Nogawa Koen is one of my favorite things about life here so far....
My daily moment of zen - down from the overpass into a tunnel of green!

Fall blossoms.... 

It even makes grading math tests more enjoyable, as I found last weekend, parked on my blanket in the sunshine, surrounded by picnicking families!

This past Saturday I went on a little excursion to nearby Mount Takao, which was more enjoyable once the crowds at the main peak were left far behind... though picnickers still abounded at the overlook points, taking in the (somewhat hazy) views of the nearby mountains - including Fuji-san.

Sometimes wandering some-what aimlessly pays off - on this day with a gorgeous lake: crystal clear waters, serene and still and surrounded by trees on the verge of bursting into flames...

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