Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's in a name?

Midway through my first year in Dubai, I wrote the following post:

"Just as I find myself settling in, things are changing all around me.

It's the time of year when international schools start looking ahead, when teachers decide to move on or move back, when schools make tough decisions about who to let go and who to bring in, when we all start thinking about how long we'll be here...

we live our lives like it's forever - make friends, fall in love, find routines and favorite views, open our heart to people and places; willingly set ourselves up for a fall - because people will leave, move on... and so will I.

Someday, a new adventure. A new city to explore, a new experience to embrace - changes that bring the giddy excitement of the unkown...
...and the ache that comes with leaving.

i already miss two places, two sets of faces, two climates... a dull ache that flares with a simple reminder... how many lives will i miss before i say "enough"?

perhaps that's why we keep moving - because without the next great adventure, we'd be left alone with only our missing.

I could shut myself out, keep my distance, knowing that my existence here is not forever; keep my heart safe from hurt, move on before i feel too much.

but that would negate the whole purpose that I feel right now - to know the joy of new places, the company of friends, and the knowledge of old friends and good memories waiting to be relived, the amazing people I have known and will know - and the peace that comes from being content with where i am right now, and also being content with the unknown that lies in front of me, knowing that it is better to have lived and lost, than never to have lived at all."

Little did I imagine the adventures in store for me in the next four years... two trips to the edge of the earth and back, an unforgettable African adventure, explorations of countries now embroiled in conflict...

if i could go back in time and counsel my earlier self, i would have agreed with her on some level: the act of moving on brings a certain amount of sadness. but i would disagree with her wholeheartedly on the point that i would keep moving to keep from missing what was left behind. 

there was so much to love about my life in dubai, but there were also so many subtle hints that my time had come... and i don't regret leaving, nor do i regret staying that last year. the friendships I made over those five years have not ended, they have just enriched and expanded my world a little farther. and while even at this moment, sitting at my gate in the airport, i have a hard time imagining the new adventure i am about to embark on, i know that  it will indeed be an adventure, and that the unknown is part of what makes it so appealing. 

i set out with the intention to live my life in Tokyo to the fullest, to embrace the wonders and the challenges, live the life like it's forever. 
because right now, it is. 

my blog may not have the perfect name yet, but I know that there will be plenty of wonderful,  fascinating, puzzling, and frightening experiences to share in the coming weeks, months, and years. 

stay tuned :)

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